This is a summary of the Boldocynara drops product. The product is made from fresh Cynara scolymus (Globe Artichoke) leaves, and is certified organically grown. The main ingredients are artichoke and dandelion, which are both considered to be good liver cleansers. The product is designed to be taken by adults, and people on regular chronic medication may benefit from taking it three times per day for six weeks. The product is not recommended for people whose liver and/or kidney function have deteriorated seriously.
Dandelion, boldo and mint help to support the cleansing action in the liver by gently assisting with digestion, flatulence, spastic colon and constipation. This was definitely a formula which Vogel counted on to help support liver function.
* Made from freshly harvested Cynara scolymus (Globe Artichoke) leaves
* Organically grown
* Botanical food supplement
Boldocynara consists of extracts of four different fresh herbs. The main ingredient is artichoke (Cynara scolymus), a plant that Alfred Vogel considered one of the best liver cleansers. Artichoke helps to get the gall flowing, regulates cholesterol and helps stimulate liver function while being a tonic for the liver at the same time.
To naturopathic doctors the body sometimes indicates sluggish or overloaded liver and kidneys long before pathological tests do.
Each mL (33 drops) contains the following tinctures:
Medicinal ingredients:
* Fresh Artichoke leaf* (Cynara scolymus) (1:30) 0.467 mL equivalent to 14 mg leaf;
* Fresh Dandelion root & herb (Taraxacum off.) (1:17) 0.12 mL equivalent to 6 mg root and herb;
* Boldo leaf (Peumus boldus) (1:10) 0.07 mL equivalent to 6 mg leaf
* Non-medicinal ingredients:
Fresh Peppermint herb* (Mentha piperita) tincture (1:2) 0.03 mL
1 mL of tincture contains 0.62 mL of alcohol (ethanol)
* Certified organically grown by Bio Suisse
Adults: Take 10-15 drops with water, 3 times daily before meals.
Maintenance: 15 drops 1 to 2 times daily, in a little water.
Children: This product is not recommended for children.
On chronic medication: People on regular chronic medication particularly may benefit from taking Boldocynara and Nephrosolid three times per day for six weeks, after which it should be taken once a day to assist the liver and kidneys process residue from the medication.
Precautions & contra-indications:
Do not exceed stated recommended daily dose.
Please seek medical advice if pregnant.
Do not take if breastfeeding.
Medical advice should be sought with acute and severe liver complaints such as hepatitis and bilary tract occlusion.
Boldocynara may not be taken by patients with obstructed bile ducts or liver cancer.
Not intended for people whose liver and/or kidney function have deteriorated seriously.
Keep out of reach and sight of children.